Clubs & Organizations
County Extension Office (583-6496)
American Legion John White Post 650
Wayne Marxen (876-3040)
Boy Scouts - contact Paul Silich 563-663-4727
Epworth Athletic Club
President: Scott Hodgson 563-580-0225 Corporation of officers who manage the summer athletic programs at the Ballpark complex.
Epworth Community Historical Society Active in preserving historical artifacts, publishes Voice of Progress quarterly newsletter.
Officers: Tom Simpson, President 563-876-3160; Deb Connolly, Vice-President 563-744-3158; Betty Mausser, Secretary-Treasurer 563-876-3293
Voice Of Progress
Editorial team: Dianne McDermott, Sandy Kass, Judy Berger. Betty Mausser, Sandy Wilgenbusch
Contact Betty Mausser at 563-876-3353 or Dianne McDermott 563-543-3721
Epworth Economic Development Corp.
Officers: Rod Berger, Dawn Kress, Nick Elsinger
Epworth Gun Club, and visit us on Facebook
Epworth Volunteer Firemen and Emergency Services Department
To volunteer phone: Chief Tom Berger (876-3321) (voice mail)
Garden Club
Active in town beautification, Gateway gardens, and welcome baskets. To volunteer, phone City Hall: 876-3320
Girl Scouts
Active Contact City Hall at 563-876-3320, for a troop leader near you
Park and Recreation Board
City appointed board which oversees all recreational facilities and programs in the City. To serve or assist as a volunteer, call 876-3320.
Town & Country Betterment Committee (sub-unit of Economic Development Corp.)
Members: Dawn Kress, Jill Herbst, Jodi Hallahan, Rod Berger, Jack Silker, Nick Elsinger, Dana Gansen, Andy & Alecia Kramer, Tyler Hoerner, Shane Hosch, Jenna Coyle, Larry Hosch, Dalton Kramer, & Tony Hoefer.
Trees Forever Program - call City Hall at 563-876-3320