Volunteer - It takes a Village
- Zoning Administrator. Reviews and issues building permits in conjunction with city staff and the Mayor.
- Sidewalk Inspector.
Please contact City Hall at 876-3320 or epworth@yousq.net to apply.
Looking for new upcoming committee members to fill on Epworth Girls Softball League. Only meet 4 times a year for the most. Call Christie Horsfield 563-590-3191 if interested.
Members of the City's Park Board are part of a team to offer recommendations on all recreational facilities throughout the City. The Park Board is an advisory board to the City Council.
The Garden Club is seeking members to join them in the care of garden plots, planters, or just to share information. Contact City Hall 876-3320.
Personnel Committee: Seeking members that are business owners, managers, or have a human resources background. This committee advises the Mayor and City Council on human resources and employee benefits matters. The committee typically meets 3-4 times per year, mostly in the fall and winter, or as special projects arise.
Planning and Zoning Committee member. This committee makes recommendations to the Council on new plats, subdivisions, and zoning codes.
The Zoning Board of Adjustment reviews requests for special exceptions and variances to the requirements of the City's Zoning Code. The decision of this Board is final.
Iowa has a gender-balance law relating to appointments to City Boards and Commissions. The City will fill vacancies in accordance with the law.
Thank you for your interest.