About Us
Our Gateway Center was built in year 2000 as a landmark to the spirit and pride of our community and its founders. It is a symbol of unity of people of all faiths and all ages. The Gateway Center serves as a rest stop and we hope that it welcomes you to our community.
Population: 2010 Census 1,860
Incorporated in 1880, this Dubuque County city has grown steadily. With numerous small businesses and a new development area, Epworth is poised for additional growth.
Western Dubuque Community School District
With its nationally recognized extra-curricular activities and state championship athletics, serves 550 square miles, the largest in the state. High School and elementary school located in Epworth. bobcat.w-dubuque.k12.ia.us
Early Education Programs
Structured learning for ages 3-6 at Western Dubuque Schools (876-3125) and Head Start Program (563-348-5203). Head Start is a national early childhood program providing developmentally appropriate care, education, health, parent involvement and social experiences to qualifying children and families. Children 3 and 4 years of age may attend Head Start each week from August to May, Tuesday through Friday, and Head Start may assist families with transportation services. .
Parochial schools K-8 and preschool with facilities in Farley and Peosta
Divine Word College
Undergraduate seminary dedicated to educating future missionary priests and brothers. The college offers several art exhibits and cultural events throughout the year. Visit their web site at www.dwci.edu
Northeast Iowa Community College
In nearby Peosta, NICC offers a variety of educational opportunities and a multitude of other services to area residents and businesses. Visit their web site at www.nicc.edu
The Dubuque colleges include Loras College, Clarke College and the University of Dubuque.
Epworth United Methodist Church, www.eumc-ia.org Church Office Phone: 563-876-3193 Church Office Email: epworthumc.iowa@gmail.com
St. Elizabeth Pastorate office 563-876-5540 Fr. Michael Schueller email m.schueller@dbqarch.org admin. assistant l.mcdermott@dbqarch.org. For bulletin items email office@stelizabethpastorate.com Mass times and events visit www.stelizabethpastorate.com,
Epworth is located on four-lane US Hwy 20.
Dubuque is 15 miles away; historic Galena is 30 miles.
Quad Cities, Cedar Rapids and Iowa City are within 1 1/2 hr drive. Chicago is less than 4 hours.
The Dubuque Regional Airport is within a 20-minute drive.
The Chicago Central Pacific CN Railroad serves Epworth.
Regional Transit Services (RTA) (563-588-3980)